Solar Benefits

  • Solar Power saves you money

    Installing Solar power permits you to generate your own electricity. Rather than buying electricity from your electric company, Solar allows you to use your own electric.

  • Environmental Benefits

    When you use electricity generated from solar panels, it reduces the need to generate electricity from fossil fuels like coal and gas which create carbon dioxide (CO2). This can reduce the potential for global warming and can create a more sustainable cleaner energy mix.

  • Energy Independence

    By owning your own solar system, you have the capacity to create your own electricity. This reduces your reliance on the electricity grid and electricity retailers. It increases your control over your future electricity needs, expenses and lifestyle especially if you add batteries to your system in the future.

  • Property Value

    There are studies that show that installing a quality residential solar system may increase the value of your home. Home buyers are increasingly recognizing that a home with quality solar panels installed will have lower electricity costs.

  • Energy reliability

    High quality solar power systems are a reliable power source. The sun rises and sets every day, while the sun shines, solar panels will generate electricity. While the weather and the seasons vary, the amount of electricity that the panels generate is predictable. You can also increase the financial benefits of your solar system by changing the times you operate your household appliances. For example, turning your washing machine on as you leave home in the morning and avoiding washing your clothes at night allows your solar system to power your washing machine during the day. With the help of lithiumion batteries, which are becoming more affordable, you can also store solar power during the day and use it at night.

  • Make Money

    Net metering could be one of the most important components of going solar as it governs how your residential system interacts with the grid. If you’re new to solar or just starting your journey, net metering allows you to sell excess solar electricity back to the utility company at the same price at which you would buy it. The ability to send electricity back to the grid is key, as it allows homeowners to ‘bank’ their solar energy when production is up and use it when they need it later.

Lowest Cost Ever

Solar Energy costs have dropped by 74% in the last 10 years!

Ready to Get your Solar Project Started?